Family Website

Bring your family together
- Co-ordinate calendars and arrange events
- Share photos, news and memories
- Simple enough for anyone, accessible anywhere
- 100% secure and private to your family
Keeping in touch with relatives can be tricky - until now.
Simply register with us and build a social network with 19 family friendly features in just a couple of clicks. Your family website comes with professional features for keeping the family relatives informed.
Your Family web site is a safe place where calendars can be co-ordinated, get-togethers planned and that all important Christmas list published - just to make sure Santa knows what he’s doing. There are even sections to share those age-old recipes, useful - or not so useful - household tips and heart-warming stories that make your family special.
It’s a piece of grandma’s home-made cake. Seriously. There’s no need for a degree in computer science – just the desire to connect further with those that matter the most.
Adding family members, and uploading family files is easy.
So, what are you waiting for? Start now and your free family site will be up and running within minutes.